TUshop Logo TUshop Documentations

For better understanding of the TUshop we have prepared the following documents:

PDF Dokument Manual (german)
The manual explains all aspects of the user interface from login to administrative tasks.
PDF Dokument Manual (englisch, translated automatically)
The manual explains all aspects of the user interface from login to administrative tasks.
PDF Dokument Structures (german)
The structures used in the TUshop (roles, permissions, processes) are explained in this separate document.
PDF Dokument Structures (englisch, translated automatically)
The structures used in the TUshop (roles, permissions, processes) are explained in this separate document.

All PDFs are accessible (PDF/UA), include a table of contents (printed at the end of the document), all headings are directly accessible with targets, and open with clickable navigation (may require switching from page preview to navigation on some Chrome versions).

For quick assistance, you can also contact the TUshop community at any time.