
This simple tool sets registry keys that prevent problems with Outlook. Without these keys it can happen that Outlook tries to connect to the O365 Exchange (instead of the correct onprem server). This can cause problems when creating the account as well as long loading times.

There are indications that updates can delete these settings. It is therefore possible that the settings have to be re-installed after updates.

Please note that this fix disables the 'smart account installer'. Therefore, after the fix, it may happen that some account types with cloud connection/OAuth authentication (e.g. GMail) cannot be included. In these cases it may be necessary to uninstall the fix again or set the 'intelligent account installer' to 0 in the registry under HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Setup' 'DisableOffice365SimplifiedAccountCreation'.


When the fix is invoked, a check is made to see if the fix is already installed. If not, the fix is installed. If it is already installed, the user is asked if he/she wants to remove the fix.


  1. Windows


The tool supports the following arguments:

The fix will be removed.
No requesters are generated (silent mode)